Jacques GODARD
Cidex 70
06330 - Roquefort Les Pins
Courriel: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
With regard to "Pixoplasty", read details.
Please enter the reference (or title of the image), sizes and desired support (canvas or paper) in your request.
For the other images: bichromate gums and digital prints, price and availability on simple request.
- FRANCE, ART CÔTE D'AZUR : www.artcotedazur.fr/artistes,181/jacques-godard,11554.html
- UK, Gallery DIFFERENT, London : https://www.gallerydifferent.co.uk/artists/jacques-godard
- U.S.A., SAATCHI : www.saatchiart.com/JGodard